We’d like to thank all of our friends, audiences, partners and followers for sticking with us. Your support really means a lot to us.
It was announced on 2 December that Derby would be going into Tier 3 and that this is set to be reviewed every two weeks.
Has this left you feeling confused about what it will mean for our activities at present and come January?
We’ve put together a handy table of activities and services Déda are able to offer within each tier.
So, whatever the tier system, we’ll be at the ready to keep you connected to dance either digitally and/or in-person!
• Déda and the CUBE cafe | bar will continue to stay closed to the public throughout December.
• The table provides an indication of our plans for different sections of Déda from January 2021, depending on changes to Derby's tier category.
• Safety measures will be in place throughout the building in line with government guidance in all eventualities. We will continue to update this page with current health and safety measures:page https://www.deda.uk.com/your-visit/COVID-19
• Keep a lookout for further updates and developments via our newsletter, website and social media pages from the week commencing 4 January 2021.
• If you would have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Box Office Team at [email protected].