Déda’s Dance Development and Learning Team is seeking schools to support education through the arts.
Déda’s award-winning Dance Development and Learning Team
are eager to start delivering cultural experiences with children, young
people and adults within community and education settings, after a
seven-month period of hibernation due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Déda Team presented with a plaque for work with Beckett
Primary School. From left: Clare Limb, Head of Dance Development and
Learning for Déda; Isobel Davis, Dance Development and Learning
Coordinator for Déda; Mr Chell, HLTA at Beckett Primary School and Mrs
James, Head Teacher, Beckett Primary School.
The established Dance Development and Learning Team, who specialise in using dance, circus and the arts to enhance educational experiences and enrich wellbeing, have worked across schools and community groups in Derby and Derbyshire for over fifteen years.
Working at all stages of education, the team offer bespoke workshops and projects for schools from Early Years Foundation through to Key Stage 1,2, 3 & 4, to FE and HE level. This can be in the shape of a workshop tailored to a curriculum topic or school improvement area.
Déda has strong partnerships with educational institutions in Derby including University of Derby, with whom it successfully hosts a Dance BA degree, and whom it will work with MA in Dance and Choreography from January 2021. Déda also delivers the celebrated Creative Arts Employer Academy programme with Derby College, to offer learners on the BTEC Performing Arts course practical work experience in the sector.

Students at BA (hons) Dance at University of Derby in partnership with Déda, Derby.
Déda is a member of Arts Council England’s esteemed Artsmark Parnership Programme and can support applications to become an Artsmark School, whether this is offering support to school leaders, co-designing a curriculum or facilitating a cultural experience.
A key cultural figure in Derby, Déda is a lead partner on Derby’s ground-breaking Reimagine project, which upskills young people from disadvantage areas of Derby. Déda are also currently working with the Royal Academy of Engineering and Rolls Royce
to use the arts to enhance education in STEM subjects through STEAM
“Following Déda’s reopening in September, our Dance Development
and Learning Team are also ‘good to go’, brimming with fresh ideas to
help you deliver high quality dance and arts activities in your
classroom, playground, community venue or youth setting either in person
or virtually through a platform of your choice.”
Clare Limb, Head of Dance Development and Learning at Déda

Young people dancing under the Museum of the Moon, Derby Festé 2019
"We can be a part of the solution to help children, young people and adults adapt and adjust to living with Covid-19 using dance practice as a way of facilitating self-expression, building confidence and supporting the development of resilience."
Rachel Austin, Dance Development and Learning Manager at Déda
For more information and enquiries about hiring Déda’s Dance Development and Learning, visit www.deda.uk.com/hire-services/educational-consulting or contact Dance Development and Learning Manager Rachel Austin at [email protected].