My son has been learning about Shakespeare and focusing on ‘A Midsummer Nights Dream’. We went for a walk in our local words and he climbed trees and imagined he was puck. We also watched a stage production on BBC’s Culture in Quarantine platform for his English school work.
We’ve been doing some more work on the Humanities topic of ‘The Fragile Planet’ looking at animals in the rainforest. It takes me back to when I was in the Peruvian Amazon in 2003…

We have also learned a dance to ‘He Lives In Me’ from The Lion King for KS3 Dance. I have been an invigilator for my daughter’s GCSE online French test and advised on perspective for my son’s art project to draw an empty crisp packet!
For myself, I have been reading ‘Crongton Knights’ by Alex Wheatle. I had planned to see it at Derby Theatre, before lockdown was announced, so have decided to take the opportunity to read the books instead. I have brought the next one in the series ‘Liccle Bit’ to read after I have finished the first one.
I have been doing a lot of menu planning with my daughter also as she is studying Catering and Hospitality BTEC. We have been doing a lot of cooking from scratch, such as onion Bhajis and Falafel, lots of soups - my fave was a Thai Ramen. Still enjoying a mainly plant based diet, we have tried new recipes out of Mowgli Street Food recipe book and the BBC Good Food website.

In a voluntary role, I have been supporting Hubbub Theatre in my role as chair with assisting in bid development for funds as they adjust to their new way of delivering their programme ‘Hubbub at Home’.
I have been on many dog walks with our pet Beth and have signed up to the May walking challenge on Strava (20 minutes a day for 4 days a week for 4 weeks). As a family we have been watching Race Across the World and have been inspired to travel in our imaginations across the world once a week in theme nights based on countries we would like to go to. So far we have been to Italy, Australia, the Caribbean, India, Thailand and Morocco and enjoyed food, facts and films from them.

Clare Limb,
Head of Dance Development and Learning