Since quarantine and the start of social distancing, I have been remotely teaching at my dance school at home, which has undoubtedly kept me motivated through this strange time. Below is a short video of a
jazz motif for ages 10 years+ that I choreographed:
I have appreciated all the extra classes delivered from other choreographers and dancers on Instagram
and other various social platforms but continue to really miss the studio and my course mates.
Although we were unable to remain in the studios for the end of term, my BA (Hons) Dance degree at
déda continued in the best way possible: lectures were delivered every morning from Monday to Friday
on zoom, which I really enjoyed taking part in before the summer break.
Other than dancing I have tried to take up baking, drawing and just teaching myself some general knowledge. I’m enjoying the extra time to learn new things and will carry this on through the rest
of summer!

BA (Hons) Dance Degree Student