I have two children under 9 who are growing up impossibly quickly. I can’t tell you how many times over the years I have wished to be able to press pause on our rushed life so that I could stop to enjoy it and spend quality time with them. And now I have it! This dreadful global pandemic that is stealing so many lives is actually giving me back a little of mine.
Homeschooling started off really positively, kids were excited, I was excited, we drew up a timetable that had us busy from 9 till 3. It was a little ambitious. We’re a bit more relaxed about it now. I make sure we do the basics most days - spellings, maths, reading and writing, and fun projects too with arts and crafts, cooking, and experiments. Some of our favourite projects have included sewing, making up stories and plays, and learning French. The speed at which they pick up new concepts is amazing to me and I’ve really enjoyed being a part of it.

We have good days and bad days as I’m sure everyone does. And sometimes I have to put the kids tv on and take myself off with my book for an hour or so for some me-time. If I don’t take care of my mental health then I can’t take care of theirs.
Soon we’ll be back at school and work and will appreciate those activities all the more, especially seeing our family, friends and colleagues. Homeschooling is certainly a challenge, I’m not going to say it has all been plain sailing, but when we have our lows I remind myself that it is a treat that we’re able to spend this time together and I hope it will become a treasured memory for us all, I know it will for me.

Jess Boyle,
Head of Fundraising