Thursday, March 11, 2021, 5.30pm
Join Format International Photography Festival to celebrate the launch of FORMAT21 : CONTROL in their online venue at New Art City.
Featuring special guest speakers
- Louise Fedotov-Clements FORMAT Director
- Professor Keith McLay, Pro Vice-Chancellor Dean, College of Arts, Humanities & Education, University of Derby
- Rebecca Blackman, National Director for Engagement & Audiences Arts Council England
- Brian Griffin, photographer & FORMAT Patron
- Marina Paulenka, FORMAT21 Guest Curator
- Adam Buss, CEO QUAD
- New Art City
Ending the evening with a DJ set by Artist Juliana Huxtable
Register your interest at:
The link to join the launch will be sent out to all registered attendees before the event.
FORMAT21 will run from 12 march - 11 April 2021