Our GCSE Dance course is AQA accredited and designed to meet their specifications. The below seeks to break this down to give you a better understanding of the specifications and what to expect as a student on this course.

Physical skills:
Alignment / balance / coordination / control/ flexibility / mobility / strength / stamina / extension / isolation.
Technical skills:
Action content / dynamic content / relationship content -timing content / rhythmic content / movement in a stylistically accurate way.
Expressive skills:
Projection / focus / spatial awareness / facial expression / phrasing / musicality / sensitivity to other dancers / communication of choreographic intent.
Mental skills:
Systematic repetition / mental rehearsal / rehearsal discipline / planning of rehearsal / response to feedback / capacity to improve. / movement memory / commitment concentration / confidence.
Safe working practices:
Safe execution / warming up / cooling down / nutrition / hydration.
Students perform two set solos (one minute) and a duet/trio (three - five minutes).

Choreographic processes:
Improvising / selecting/ developing / structuring / synthesising
Structuring devices and form:
Binary /ternary /rondo /narrative /transitions /episodic / unity
Choreographic devices:
Motif / repetition / contrast / climax / unison / canon
Aural settings and how they affect choreographic outcomes:
Song / instrumental/spoken word/found sound/mood/structure/ relationship to theme
Performance environments:
Proscenium arch / end stage / site-sensitive/ in-the-round.
Communication of choreographic intent:
Mood(s) / meaning(s) / idea(s) / theme(s)/ style/style fusion(s).
Students learn how to respond creatively to an externally set stimulus to create either: A solo dance between 2 and 2.5 minutes in duration, or a group dance for 2 – 5 dancers, between 3 and 3.5 minutes in duration. They will also write a programme note of 120 - 150 words.

Dance Appreciation
Performance and choreography:
- the meaning of the relevant performance terminology.
- the meaning of relevant choreography terminology.
- the contribution of performance and choreography to audience understanding of the choreographic intent of the work being performed including the mood(s), meaning(s), idea(s), theme(s) and/or style/style fusion(s).
Students study six set works in their entirety and describe, analyse, interpret, evaluate and reflect on the works in response to short answer and extended writing questions in a written exam.
Companies include: Stopgap Dance Company, The Royal Ballet, Rambert Dance Company, Phoenix Dance Theatre, James Cousins Company and Boy Blue Entertainment.