Small Change Big Dreams - Fundraising for Déda Bursaries
Christmas is just around the corner, and many of us will be thinking much more carefully about how and where we spend our money this year. The cost-of-living crisis is affecting everyone, and decisions such as choosing which charities to support are more challenging than ever.
That being said, this year, our Christmas Fundraising campaign Small Change Big Dreams is about celebrating how every single donation, no matter how big or small, helps us to make a real difference to the lives of children and young people in Derby.
We know that the arts have countless health, wellbeing and educational benefits, especially for children. These can include:
- better physical and mental health.
- developing skills, friendships and confidence.
- self-expression, and the chance to be imaginative and creative.
Unfortunately, finances are a barrier to taking part in the arts for a lot of families, meaning many children and young people have fewer opportunities to experience these benefits.
We know that a child’s socio-economic background is the biggest factor affecting whether they engage in the arts or not. Dance, music, and visual arts are now being taught less in schools, directly affecting those who cannot afford private classes by drastically reducing their opportunities to take part. This creates a massive inequality in our society.
Right now, there is a risk that even more children will miss opportunities due to the cost-of-living crisis, with families having to make tough decisions about how to spend their money.
Not only will children miss out on the chance to follow their passions and experience moments of joyful dance and movement, they may also be missing out on the chance to follow dance and the arts as a career path, impacting them for the rest of their lives.
We believe that every child and young person should have the opportunity to be creative, no matter their circumstances.
At Déda, we believe the arts are for everyone, and we rely on supporters and funders to keep our ticket prices as affordable as possible. By supporting this campaign, you will be contributing towards Déda Bursaries, which are awarded to children and young people who love to dance and are keen to develop their skills and talent but would not be able to so without financial support. These bursaries provide access to our Academy classes and courses, including our new GCSE Dance in 2023.
What difference do Déda bursaries make?
Previous recipients of Déda’s bursaries have benefited from their opportunities to attend dance classes in many ways! We’ve supported young people from some of Derby’s most deprived areas to:
- Attend workshops with professional Dance, Acrobatics and Aerial artists
- Develop skills in creating and performing
- Grow their essential life skills like resilience, teamworking, problem solving and curiosity
- Step out of their comfort zone, gain bucket-loads of confidence and make new friends
If you would like to support our campaign, please follow this link to donate.
Thank you!