HOMEWORK: My Realisation
I have long believed that, although I am a sociable person, I prefer my own company. So I was looking forward to a bit of time working from home, shutting mysel...
HOMEWORK: My Realisation
HOMEWORK: Keep Dancing!
I have been remotely teaching at my dance school at home, which has undoubtedly kept me motivated through this strange time.
HOMEWORK: Keep Dancing!
HOMEWORK: 'I am sure we can overcome this global challenge'
The pandemic in Hong Kong is getting so much better, daily lives are returning back to normal.
HOMEWORK: 'I am sure we can overcome this global challenge'
HOMEWORK: Surviving
‘The show must go on’ is said on a daily basis in the live event industry but the show has stopped and fellow technicians have not had a lamp blow, a mic pack d...
HOMEWORK: Surviving
HOMEWORK: Your situation is unique to you and “you’re doing amazing, sweetie!”
It’s important to remember that everyone’s situation is unique to them and that self-care and caring for others is paramount, now more than ever.
HOMEWORK: Your situation is unique to you and “you’re doing amazing, sweetie!”
HOMEWORK: Pressing Pause
I can’t tell you how many times over the years I have wished to be able to press pause on our rushed life so that I could stop to enjoy it and spend quality tim...
HOMEWORK: Pressing Pause
HOMEWORK: Volunteering in the Community
Volunteering for a local community centre leading a national food revolution, has helped me to find focus, connection, humility and hope during the chaos of the...
HOMEWORK: Volunteering in the Community
Artist Support: Connect to Déda
Creative Producer, Phil Hargreaves, opens up his phone line for a chat with artists, creatives and producers
Artist Support: Connect to Déda
HOMEWORK: Life in Lockdown
I made the decision to try and make the most of the situation, using it as a positive experience rather than something negative.
HOMEWORK: Life in Lockdown
HOMEWORK: A Day in the Life
I’ve been dancing, A LOT! In fact, I’ve been dancing more than I have for a long time and finding my love for styles I haven’t graced my feet with for years!
HOMEWORK: A Day in the Life
HOMEWORK: Adapting to Homeschooling
Our series of HOMEWORK blogs explore our team's experiences at home, during life in lockdown.
HOMEWORK: Adapting to Homeschooling
LIVE in your Living Room
“LIVE in your Living Room”, is a small sample of our thinking to date, an attempt to bring us closer together as we all remain distant and apart.
LIVE in your Living Room