Call out for East Midlands based dancers and performers aged 50+ yrs
Call out for East Midlands based dancers and performers aged 50+ yrs

Are you a polymath? A career at Déda might be perfect for you!
Are you a polymath? A career at Déda might be perfect for you!

What do Derby, Paris, Manchester and Dublin have in common?
What do Derby, Paris, Manchester and Dublin have in common?

Altered Streets
Déda has successfully applied to Arts Council England’s National Lottery Fund to deliver: Altered Streets - An Urban Transformation
Altered Streets

Covid update 19 July 2021
While restrictions are easing on Monday 19 July, Déda will be moving forward carefully
Covid update 19 July 2021
Derby Book Festival Opens Today
The sixth Derby Book Festival opens today, Thursday 27 May, and runs for ten days until Saturday 5 June.
Derby Book Festival Opens Today
Spotlight on... Reimagine: final thoughts on the project so far (4/4)
In the last in the series of Déda's blogs, we ask Learning Coordinator [Reimagine] Simon Marshall for his final thoughts.
Spotlight on... Reimagine: final thoughts on the project so far (4/4)
Car park discounts for Déda customer and visitors
Déda are delighted to offer our customers discounts in central Derby.
Car park discounts for Déda customer and visitors